Gettin' 'er Done

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

It's that time! I needed to get a few things caught up. Isn't that always the case? There's always something to do. I was raised by parents who believed in preventative maintenance. As I matured, I understood why. 

I keep in my glove compartment a cloth for accidental spills and a container of Meguiars cloths. These cloths clean and condition the interior leather and keep the dash conditioned and protected. In the desert, it works great! 

I also use a cotton cloth diaper on the exterior of the car after cleaning it. It protects the clear coat from scratches like no other. Many towels are woven with polyester and cotton. Once the cotton is gone, from washing and drying, you're left with a cloth that can scratch your clear coat because there is no cotton. Fine surface scratches will be noticeable. There are 4x6x4 ply diapers and 4x8x4......long story.....I'll spare you the long dissertation of a cotton diaper and the benefits to your clear coat. They're the best though. 

I also needed to condition and lubricate the garage doors. It's really easy and the benefits are great.  I spray the tracks and hinges with a recommended spray for this application. It helps them move easier and keeps them in good working order. I lightly spray the hinges as well. Keep a rag close for drips. After spraying both tracks, I press the button to close the door and again to open it. I spray lightly one more time and repeat the opening and closing of the door. Any squeaks are now gone and the door opens smoothly as it should. 

That's several things off my list. What's next?

Biggest hugs, 


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